Search results for "ka'yu', ka'yu'un"

ka'yu', ka'yu'un n coyote Ka'yu' hadmit peeli. The coyote crossed the road. Ta'ash'an' 'aman ka'yu'un. They are looking at a coyote.

'och'yet, 'och'yeeta' v near (to become) Och'yet naa'an 'ilk'a. We all got close to the water. Och'yeeta' na' ka'yu'un. I got close to the coyote.

dank'ana', dank'ana'an adj deaf Ta'ishta' dank'ana' ka'yu'un. The deaf person saw the coyote. Amilta' 'aman dank'ana'an. They helped the deaf person. (sem. domains: - Musician, - Deaf.)


dik'in adv behind, back of Na'an huushit dik'in goosina'ich' 'otmobila. We drove behind a slow car. Ta'shit ka'yu'un dik'in 'utu'un. He saw a coyote behind a tree.