Archive for webonary


teyish n chief Mosow k'eshnit teyish. The chief went inside the sweat house. (sem. domains: - Police, 4.6.1 - Ruler.)

halaxnit, halaxinta’


halaxnit, halaxinta' v climb Halaxnit shidgil 'utu'un. The squirrel climbed the tree. Halaxinta' dullaw yet semaniw. He climbed the mountain last week. (sem. domains: - Mountain, - Move down, - Evaluate, test, - Up, - Increase.)

beenat, beenata’

beenat, beenata' v comb Beenat na' nim shilshi'in. I combed my hair. Beenata' na' 'am shilshi lagyiw. I combed her hair yesterday. (sem. domains: - Tangle, - Comb hair.)

‘ohooyot, ‘ohooyoto’

'ohooyot, 'ohooyoto' v cough Hi' noono' tixtinich' 'ohooyot. This sick man coughed. Meejinta' 'ohooyoto'. He coughed a lot.

‘esteeji’, ‘esteeji’in

'esteeji', 'esteeji'in n bus Huushe' 'ama' 'esteeji'in. He drives a bus.


na'ash₂ adv can, could (cf. may) Eepal ma' na'ash? Can you swim? Nahni' na' na'ash gosneenol gayiina'an. Maybe I could cook chicken.

huuya’, huuya’an

huuya', huuya'an n caterpillar Balash'an' huuya' t'appashiw. The catterpillar crawled on the leaf. Xatta' Sandy huuya'an. Sandy ate huuya.

p’ay’, p’aaya₂

p'ay', p'aaya₂ n child (cf. baby) Yooyot p'ay' 'am no'oomo. The child called his mother. Mokeela' shumut p'aaya. The woman kissed her child.

‘op, ‘oopo₁

'op, 'oopo₁ n clock (cf. sun, moon) Op tishit. The sun came out. Pi'a'xon' 'aman 'oopo. They have been waiting for the sun.

taxnit, taxinta’

taxnit, taxinta' v come Heleenit taxnit ma'? Where did you come from? Mi'in 'ama' taxinta' Siksika'. Then came Stinkbug.