na'ash₂ adv can, could (cf. may) Eepal ma' na'ash? Can you swim? Nahni' na' na'ash gosneenol gayiina'an. Maybe I could cook chicken.
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huuya’, huuya’an
huuya', huuya'an n caterpillar Balash'an' huuya' t'appashiw. The catterpillar crawled on the leaf. Xatta' Sandy huuya'an. Sandy ate huuya.
p’ay’, p’aaya₂
p'ay', p'aaya₂ n child (cf. baby) Yooyot p'ay' 'am no'oomo. The child called his mother. Mokeela' shumut p'aaya. The woman kissed her child.
‘op, ‘oopo₁
'op, 'oopo₁ n clock (cf. sun, moon) Op tishit. The sun came out. Pi'a'xon' 'aman 'oopo. They have been waiting for the sun.
taxnit, taxinta’
taxnit, taxinta' v come Heleenit taxnit ma'? Where did you come from? Mi'in 'ama' taxinta' Siksika'. Then came Stinkbug.
pich’it, pich’ta’
pich'it, pich'ta' v count Pich'it na' hach'a nim bek'eewa'an. I counted my beads right now. Pich'ta' Kim p'aaya leele'hiyaw. Kim counted the children at school.
ch’ayax, ch’ayaxi
ch'ayax, ch'ayaxi n bush (heavy brush, thicket) T'ulunta' ch'ayax. The bush burned down. Chista' na' ch'ayaxi tishamyataw. I cut the bush in the spring.
saxis, saxsi
saxis, saxsi n canal Mejnit k'oteehat saxis. The canal is really big. De'eshit 'aman saxsi. They built the canal.
‘ilip’, ‘ilpa
'ilip', 'ilpa n cave Mich k'oti' 'ilip. The cave is really big. Ta'ishta' 'aman 'ilpa. They saw the cave.
jiili’, jiili’in
jiili', jiili'in n chili Mejnit jiili' bohlut. The chili grew a lot. Joe bohooloto' jiili'in. Joe grew chili.