boyiida', boyiida'an n chick Boyiida' tishit hoonaw. The chick came out of the egg. Nancy' wik'it ch'enbayin boyiida'an. Nancy peeked at the bird's chick. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)
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miisa’hiy’, miisa’hiya
miisa'hiy', miisa'hiya n church Moxlo' hi' miisa'hiy'. This church is old. K'eele' 'aman miisa'hiya. They are going to paint the church.
hosheewat, hosheewata’
hosheewat, hosheewata' v cold (to become) Hosheewat. It is getting cold.
shutkuwshat, shutkuwshata’
shutkuwshat, shutkuwshata' v copy Shutkuwshat 'ama' min t'eewisha. She copied your basket.
hadmit, hadimta’
hadmit, hadimta' v cross Hadmit ka'yu' peeliw. A coyote crossed the road. Baflo' hadimta' wakayaw. The buffaloes crossed the river. (sem. domains: - Christianity, - Angry, - Limit, - Encounter, - Execute, 4.1.6 - Disunity, 3.2 - Think, - Move past, over, through, - Travel by water, 7.5.3 - Mix.)
t’eewisha di’sham’
t'eewisha di'sham' n basket maker (sem. domains: - Garbage, - Make, 6.7.3 - Carrying tool, - Winnow grain, 7.5.5 - Organize.)
bawnay’, bawnayi
bawnay', bawnayi n bee, yellow-jacket Bawnay' diyal mam na'ash. The yellow-jacket bee might sting you. Ch'ewex'an' 'ama' bawnayi. He is stepping on the yellow-jacket bee.
‘elwit, ‘elewta’
'elwit, 'elewta' v bloom Galiide'en 'eelaw' 'elwit. The flowers of the watercress bloomed. Elewta' galjin 'eelaw'. Many flowers bloomed.
leele’hiy’, leele’hiya₂
leele'hiy', leele'hiya₂ n book (cf. school) Widinta' leele'hiy' 'am dadaach'iw. The book fell on his foot. Lumlumta' 'am leele'hiya xoch'ooyow. She piled her books all over the ground.