Archive for webonary

dopin, dopina

dopin, dopina n buckeye (tree) Dopin wil' bohlo' gew. Buckeye trees used to grow over there. Halaaxinta' na' dopina. I climbed the buckeye tree.


P'al'shanaw n Bald Mountain Tanhil na' P'al'shanaw. I went to Bald Mountain. P'al'shanaw xooto' 'aman. They lived in Bald Mountain.

hihoolo’, hihoolo’on

hihoolo', hihoolo'on n bean K'oteehat hihoolo'. The beans are getting bigger. Kiwshe' na' mi'in hihoolo'on. I'm going to boil the beans.

k’oti’, k’oti’in

k'oti', k'oti'in adj big Hewethil denderow taa k'oti' noono' hoy'li. That big man walked quickly to the store. Ta'ishta' na' k'oti'in balbalya. I saw the big pounding rock.

maamil’, maamila

maamil', maamila n blackberry Meejinta' k'uyuuk'ata' maamil'. The blackberries were very sweet. Gobe na' mi'in maamila. I'm going to pick blackberries soon. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)

t’unul’, t’unula

t'unul', t'unula n bobcat Ama' t'unul' gadaayit. The bobcat is hungry. Ta'shit na' t'unula. I saw the bobcat.

hon’tet, hon’teta’

hon'tet, hon'teta' v bounce Hon'teta' naa'an 'awoonaw. We bounced in the boat. Hon'ten' 'aman mi'in shokoyow. They are going to bounce on the grass. (sem. domains: - Jump, 7.7.1 - Hit.)

‘axlit, ‘axilta’

'axlit, 'axilta' v breathe hard Axlit na'. I'm breathing hard.


wotoowit n buffalo grass (sem. domains: - Growing grass, - Cut grass, 6.7.3 - Carrying tool, - Clear a field, 6.5.3 - Building materials, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant, 5.5 - Fire.)

‘ap’om’, ‘ap’ooma

'ap'om', 'ap'ooma n ball Lulunta' 'ap'om 'utuw. The ball hung in the tree. Hanit 'ap'ooma. He kicked the ball.