bilyit, biliyta' v bruise (by leaning hard on them; bump) Bilyit nim boch'on' nim k'apshali. My son leaned hard on my shoulder. Biliyta' na' min k'owyo. I bruised your hip.
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ch’aniw’, ch’aniwa
ch'aniw', ch'aniwa n badger Wayta' bokbokshi ch'aniw'. A badger dug a hole. Hoxtit cheexa' nim ch'aniwa. My dog barked at the badger. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.6 - Animal.)
yugshuwsha’hiy’, yugshuwsha’hiya
yugshuwsha'hiy', yugshuwsha'hiya n bathroom (Lit. washroom) Xoch'ooyot hi' yugshuwsha'hiy'. This bathroom is dirty. K'elta' 'aman yugshuwsha'hiy. They painted the bathroom.
ch’utkush, ch’utkusha
ch'utkush, ch'utkusha n belly button (sem. domains: - Dive, 5.3.6 - Parts of clothing, - Fat person, 6.7.5 - Fastening tool, 2.1.2 - Torso, 1.5.4 - Moss, fungus, algae, 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.)
shawa’, shawa’an
shawa', shawa'an n black oak Hi' shawa' mich moxlo'. This black oak is very old. T'ulta' wal'ma' shawa'an. Lightning burned the black oak.
lisanyat, lisanyata’
lisanyat, lisanyata' v blue (to become) Lisanyat 'am gamiisha'. His shirt turned blue. Lisanyata' nim teeliy' kande'en xatmi. My teeth turned blue after eating the candy.
ch’alwit, ch’aliwta’
ch'alwit, ch'aliwta' v bother (cf. annoy) Ch'alwit 'ama' nan. She bothered me. Ama' nooch'o' 'ohom' ch'aliwta' shidgila. The boy didn't bother the squirrel.
sasyit, sasiyta’
sasyit, sasiyta' v break Sasyit wech'eeta teeliyin 'am. He broke the stick with his teeth. Sasiyta' 'am p'onoosha. He broke his hand.
banshit v brush Banshit 'am gamiisha'an. He brushed his shirt. Banishta' na' cheexa'an shilshi. I brushed the dog's hair. (sem. domains: 1.5 - Plant, 6.6.5 - Art, - Forest, grassland, desert, - Shave, - Touching, contact, - Draw, paint, - Spread, smear, - Touch, 5.4.4 - Care for the teeth, 5.6.5 - Sweep, rake, - Comb hair.)
p’al’shana’, p’al’shana’an
p'al'shana', p'al'shana'an adj bald Samin p'ay' p'al'shana'. Sam's baby is bald. Yate' pal'shana'an leelilaych'i. He will talk to the bald teacher.