ch'aalit, ch'alta' v break Ch'aalit na' bilaasu'un. I broke the plates. Ch'alta' xaalu'un. She broke a bowl.
Archive for webonary
dugmat, dugmata’
dugmat, dugmata' v bruise Dugmat nim weebin. My arm bruised. Dugmata' 'am dadach'. His foot bruised.
bajixtat, bajixtata’
bajixtat, bajixtata' v bad (to cause) Bajixtat taa nopop 'am boch'oono. That father spoiled his son. Wixwik bajixtata' 'aabula. Worms caused the apple to go bad.
ch’ipch’ipil, ch’ipch’ipla
ch'ipch'ipil, ch'ipch'ipla n bat Ch'ipch'ipil wo'oy'an'. The bat is sleeping. Hoxtit cheexa' ch'ipch'ipla. The dog barked at the bat.
gambaana’, gambaana’an
gambaana', gambaana'an n bell Gambaana' lulhanit sipin' miisa'hiyaw. The bell is hung on top of the church. Taa p'ay' nich'it gambaana'an. That child pressed the bell.
limik’, limk’a₁
limik', limk'a₁ adj black (cf. dark) Sasyinta' xaalu' limik'. The black bowl broke. Hoyoch'an' na' limk'a sabaadu'un. I like black shoes.
lisanyu’, lisanyu’un
lisanyu', lisanyu'un n blue Wa'la' mich lisanyu'. The sky is very blue. Xayaawushta' 'am lisanyu'un gamiisha'an. He put on his blue shirt.
‘aamuwush, ‘aamuwsha
'aamuwush, 'aamuwsha adj bossy Xon' noono' 'aamuwush hew. The bossy man lives here. Yatta' naa'ak' 'aamuwsha noono'on. We both talked to the bossy man. (sem. domains: - Compel.)
walatnit, walatinta’
walatnit, walatinta' v break Walatnit 'ilik' t'inhanaw. The water broke lose at the dam (because the dam is too weak to hold the water). Walatinta' 'ilik' t'inhanaw. The water broke lose at the dam.