wo'oyhuy', wo'oyhuya n bedroom Mich k'oti' 'am wo'oyhuy'. Her bedroom is very big. Ch'enishhil 'am wo'oyhuya. She swept her bedroom.
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k’iyit, k’iyta
k'iyit, k'iyta adj bitter Ch'eesha' mich k'iyit. Bile is very bitter. Ch'ipxilit galjina k'iyta ch'eesha'an. He spat a lot of bitter bile.
paayax, paayaxa
paayax, paayaxa n blood Habilk'ay paayax. The blood is red. Doyut dokton' nim paayaxa. The doctor drew my blood.
ch’ey’, ch’eeya
ch'ey', ch'eeya n bone Sasyinit ch'ey'. The bone broke. Yuk'lut na' ch'eya. I buried the bone. (sem. domains: 6.3.7 - Animal products, - Dry, 2.1.6 - Bone, joint, - Working with bone, - Quarrel.)
baana’, baana’an
baana', baana'an n bread Ch'ek'nit baana'. The bread became moldy/rotten. Kishaalat na' baana'an. I fried the bread. (sem. domains: 6.8.6 - Money, - Steps in food preparation, 1.5.4 - Moss, fungus, algae.)
‘enbay’, ‘enbayi
'enbay', 'enbayi n brother-in-law, sister-in-law Gichgichit min 'enbay'. Your brother-in-law is nervous. 'Ulmuk'yat na' nim 'enbayi. I dislike my brother-in-law.
t’ulut, t’ulta’
t'ulut, t'ulta' v burn Noono' t'ulut shokooya. The man burned the grass. T'ulta' 'aman bobbila. They burn the paper.
t’eewisha di’sham’
t'eewisha di'sham' n basket maker (sem. domains: - Garbage, - Make, 6.7.3 - Carrying tool, - Winnow grain, 7.5.5 - Organize.)
bawnay’, bawnayi
bawnay', bawnayi n bee, yellow-jacket Bawnay' diyal mam na'ash. The yellow-jacket bee might sting you. Ch'ewex'an' 'ama' bawnayi. He is stepping on the yellow-jacket bee.