taawan', taawana n town Mich gayis hi' taawan'. This town is very good. Mi'in 'amak' Noh'o' 'ama' yo' Ka'yu' lolto' taawana. And Bear and Coyote left town.
Archive for webonary
hi’, hin
hi', hin n this one Hi' kayaxit heexa'. This salmon is fat. Ha'an da' ma' hoy'on' hin? What do you call this?
hech’eeyit, hech’eyta’
hech'eeyit, hech'eyta' v tighten Hech'eeyit na' hiilu'un. I tightened the thread. Hech'eyta' 'aman tuxaach'i. They tightened the rope.
taashin those Hewet'an' tashin hach'aami' mokeela'. Those young women are walking. Xatta' na' tashin shoopina aabula. I ate those three apples.
halum’sat, halum’sata’
halum'sat, halum'sata' v tiptoe Halum'sat p'ayee'i k'eeshinmi xo'ow. The kids tiptoed when they came in the house. Halum'sata' 'aman halaada' wo'yexooto' no'om. They tiptoed because mother was sleeping.
galil’, galila
galil', galila n train Galila na' shadginta'. I rode the train.
'amaa adv there Mi'in 'ama' noono' xayaata' hedeesha 'amaa 'oshtow. Then a man put the log there in the fire. Amaa yokoch' wil' goobe' toona. The Indians used to gather pinenuts there.
taashik' n those two T'ulta' taashik' xo'. Those two houses burned down. Hoych'an' na' taashik' sabaadu'un. I want those two shoes (or, that pair of shoes).
moynit, moyinta’
moynit, moyinta' v tired (to become) Moynit na'. I'm tired. Moyinta' Deemaysu'. Hummingbird was tired.