Archive for webonary

taawan’, taawana

taawan', taawana n town Mich gayis hi' taawan'. This town is very good. Mi'in 'amak' Noh'o' 'ama' yo' Ka'yu' lolto' taawana. And Bear and Coyote left town.

hi’, hin

hi', hin n this one Hi' kayaxit heexa'. This salmon is fat. Ha'an da' ma' hoy'on' hin? What do you call this?

hech’eeyit, hech’eyta’

hech'eeyit, hech'eyta' v tighten Hech'eeyit na' hiilu'un. I tightened the thread. Hech'eyta' 'aman tuxaach'i. They tightened the rope.


hik'iwish n toy Galjin mich hik'iwisham'. He has a lot of toys.


taashin those Hewet'an' tashin hach'aami' mokeela'. Those young women are walking. Xatta' na' tashin shoopina aabula. I ate those three apples.

halum’sat, halum’sata’

halum'sat, halum'sata' v tiptoe Halum'sat p'ayee'i k'eeshinmi xo'ow. The kids tiptoed when they came in the house. Halum'sata' 'aman halaada' wo'yexooto' no'om. They tiptoed because mother was sleeping.

galil’, galila

galil', galila n train Galila na' shadginta'. I rode the train.


'amaa adv there Mi'in 'ama' noono' xayaata' hedeesha 'amaa 'oshtow. Then a man put the log there in the fire. Amaa yokoch' wil' goobe' toona. The Indians used to gather pinenuts there.


taashik' n those two T'ulta' taashik' xo'. Those two houses burned down. Hoych'an' na' taashik' sabaadu'un. I want those two shoes (or, that pair of shoes).

moynit, moyinta’

moynit, moyinta' v tired (to become) Moynit na'. I'm tired. Moyinta' Deemaysu'. Hummingbird was tired.