beweenich', bewench'i n tailor Yoowe' beweenich' nomeech'ataw. The tailor goes home at eight o'clock. Ch'awaalata' na' bewench'i. I paid the sewer.
Archive for webonary
leelilayich’, leelilaych’i
leelilayich', leelilaych'i n teacher K'eshne' mi'in leelilayich'. The teachers will come in soon. Shawigshitta' leelilaych'i bobbila. We bought papers for the teachers.
sumk’unut, sumk’unta’
sumk'unut, sumk'unta' v sweat Noono' sumk'unut. The man was sweating. Taa p'ay' sumk'unta'. That child was sweating.
wodlit, woodilta’
wodlit, woodilta' n take away Wodlit 'aman gayeeda'an naanin. He took away the cookies from us. Ama' woodilta' hidya'an yokooch'i. He took it away from all people.
seepit, septa’
seepit, septa' v tear Seepit na' bobbila. I tore the paper. Septa' 'am naawashi. She tore her dress.
goyet, goyeta’
goyet, goyeta' v take care of Goyet 'am nopoopo. He took care of his father. Goyeta' na' nim 'en'shayi. I took care of my grandmother.
manaalit, manalta’
manaalit, manalta' v tear (for eyes) Manaalit nim shasha'. My eyes teared up. Manalta' 'am shasha'. His eyes teared up.
sumk’un, sumk’una
sumk'un, sumk'una n sweat Ch'uwch'uwut 'am sumk'un. His sweat dripped. Sumk'una 'am taxeshhil. He wiped his sweat.
oxiwit, ‘oxiwta’
oxiwit, 'oxiwta' v take off clothing items Noono' jageeda'an 'am 'oxiwit. The man took off his coat. Oxiwta' 'am sabaadu'un 'ooch'iy' teseech'i. He took off his shoes by the door.