Archive for webonary

wa’at’, wa’at’i

wa'at', wa'at'i adj tall (cf. long, deep) No'om nim wa'at'. My mother is tall. Chishta' 'aman wa'at'i 'utu'un. They cut the tall tree.


ch'eywil' adv ten times Poyto' sheleela ch'eywil'. He pounded the rock ten times. Ch'eywil' na' oy'eta' nim ha'ehhi. I changed my clothes ten times.

k’eshgat, k’eshgata’

k'eshgat, k'eshgata' v suck (and chew) K'eshgat na' ch'eeya. I sucked on the bone. K'eshgata' 'am nomchi. He chewed his thumb.

shownit, showinta’

shownit, showinta' v swell Shownit min shasha'. My eyes are swollen. Mijnit dugma'ich' showinta'. The bruise really swelled. (sem. domains: - Swell, - To a larger degree, - Wave, - Male organs, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants, - Increase.)


gu'guunat v tap (cf. knock)


taa det that Taa 'ama' 'utu'. That over there is a tree.

doyut, doyto’

doyut, doyto' v suck blood Doyut k'oolapi' nim paayax. The mosquito sucked my blood. Mejnit 'am doyut leeji'in. She really sucks the milk.

‘eepit, ‘epta’

'eepit, 'epta' v swim Lagyiw Cheryl 'eepit wakayaw. Yesterday Cheryl swam in the river. Epta' 'aman t'inhanaw. They swam in the dam. (sem. domains: - Dive, - Swim.)

sha’lalu’, sha’lalu’un

sha'lalu', sha'lalu'un n tarantula Sha'lalu' heweetit peeliw. The tarantulas walked on the road. Ta'ishta' na' galjina sha'lalu'un peeliw. I saw many tarantulas on the road.


'amaagin ProN their (dual) P'ay' 'amaagin mich kande'ich'. Their child is a real candy-eater.