washit, washta' v tell a story Matt washit. Matt told a story. Washta' taa noono' nim xo'ow. That man told a story at my house.
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ch’enshit, ch’enishta’
ch'enshit, ch'enishta' v sweep Ch'enshit na' xo'o. I swept the house. Ch'enishta' hidyaw helew. He swept everywhere. (sem. domains: - Move quickly, - Hide your thoughts, - Touch, - Win, 5.6.5 - Sweep, rake.)
yowmixit, yowmixta’
yowmixit, yowmixta' v take something home Limk'i na' yowmixit. I took the black one home. Yowmixta' 'ama' nim somleela'an. She took home my hat.
doshit, doshto’
doshit, doshto' v tell about, report Doshit 'am nim nopop yoloowin . My father told him about the gathering. Doshto' nan hoshew. He told me about the cold.
tishamyuw n springtime Elwe' 'uk hodhodi' tishamyuw? Does Indian paintbrush bloom in the spring?
daach'it v step on something Daach'it na' laabu'un. I stepped on a nail. Dach'ta' na' cheexa'an k'uta. I stepped on the dog's tail.
weelet, weeleta’
weelet, weeleta' v stir Weelet na' leeji'in. I stirred the milk. Weeleta' na'at nim limna. My older sister stirred the acorn mush.
gananyu’, gananyu’un
gananyu', gananyu'un n stud Layta' 'am gananyu'. The stud kicked him. Ch'ik'ta' gananyu'un noono' gullaliw. The man tied the stud to the fence.
sepwela’, sepwela’an
sepwela', sepwela'an n spurs Lulna'xon' sepwela' nim gullaliw. My spurs have been hanging on the fence. Xayaawushit na' nim sepwela'an. I put on my spurs.
lahwit, lahiwta’
lahwit, lahiwta' v step over Lahwit p'ayee'i sheleela. The children are stepping over the rocks. Lahiwta' na' wakaya. I stepped over the creek.