hooyet, hooyeta' v send Gadnew na' hooyet nim t'eewisha. I'm sending my cooking basket to Picayune. No'om nim da' mam hooyeta' xataashi. My mother sent you some food.
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kuy’ulut, kuy’uluta’
kuy'ulut, kuy'uluta' v salt something Kuy'ulut lopso. She just salted the fish. Kuy'uluta' 'am k'ayaxti. He put salt on his salmon.
dehel’, deheela
dehel', deheela n scissors Chishe' na' mi'in bobbila deheelan. I will cut the paper with scissors. (sem. domains: 6.6.1 - Working with cloth, - Cut hair, 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.)
nomch’in, nomch’ina
nomch'in, nomch'ina n seven Woodoy'an' nomch'in mokeet'a'. Seven girls are dancing. Shutto' na' nomch'ina bek'eewa'an xaaluw. I added seven beads into the bowl. (sem. domains: - Ordinal numbers, - Cardinal numbers.)
‘aalit, ‘aalita
'aalit, 'aalita n saltgrass Bohlo' 'aalit hew. Saltgrass grows here. Alithil na' 'aalita. I licked the saltgrass. (sem. domains: 1.5 - Plant.)
bohiyit, bohiyta’
bohiyit, bohiyta' v scold Bohiyit 'amak' p'aya. They two scolded the child. Bohiyta' taa mokeela' 'am boch'oona. That woman scolded her son. (sem. domains: - Rebuke.)
nomch'il'₂ adv seven times K'owk'owit na' ug, nomch'il'. I did knock, seven times.
k’olit, k’olta’
k'olit, k'olta' v scoop K'olit shukshuya waldinaw. She scooped the sand into the bucket. K'olta' bayna sheleelaw. He scooped acorn from the rock.
nomch'il'₁ adj seventh (sem. domains: - Fraction.)