Archive for webonary


hach'a adv now Haweeshaxon' hach'a? What time is it now? Ch'amaxxon' na' baabasi hach'a. I'm mashing the potatoes right now.

‘odbinit, ‘odbinta’

'odbinit, 'odbinta' v open Odbinit tesech'. The door just opened. Odbinta' windara' 'alit. The window has opened for some time.

bobbil’, bobbila

bobbil', bobbila n paper Hot'nit bobbil'. The paper is burning. Dihlit na' bobbila. I cut the paper. (sem. domains: - Newspaper, - Draw, paint, - Write, - Working with paper.)

shipa’hiy’, shipa’hiya

shipa'hiy', shipa'hiya n pencil, pen (Lit: something to write with) Hili 'am shipa'hiy'? Where is her pencil? Ipista' 'am shipa'hiya. She threw away her pencil.

ton’, toona

ton', toona n nut, pine nut Poye' na' toona. I'm going to crush the pine nut.

kamaamat, kamaamata’

kamaamat, kamaamata' v open mouth wide Kamaamat 'am p'ay' waxilmi. His child opened his mouth wide when he cried. Kayamwushta' yo' kamaamata'. He yawned and opened his mouth wide.

wosgit, wosigta’

wosgit, wosigta' v pass by Wosgit 'aman hew. They are passing by here. Wosigta' na' 'am. I passed by him.

yokuch’, yokooch’i

yokuch', yokooch'i n people Taane' yokuch' wakayaw. The people are going to the river. Galjina na' yokooch'i ta'ishta'. I saw many people.


'Apa'ashaw n Oakhurst Xon' 'aman 'Apa'ashaw. They live in Oakhurst.

‘odbit, ‘odibta’

'odbit, 'odibta' v open something Taa mokeela' 'ilk'a 'odbit. That woman turned on the water. Odibta' 'ama' teseech'i. She opened the door.