moxlo', moxlo'on adj old Hiyeema' 'alit, hew xooto' moxlo' k'oliswa' mokeela'. A long time ago, there lived an old small woman. Xayaawushit moxlo'on gamiisha. She wore an old shirt. (sem. domains: - Old person, - Old, not new, - Old fashioned, - Old, not young.)
Archive for webonary
biichis, biichisa
biichis, biichisa n peach Hishe' mi'in biichis. The peaches are getting ripe soon. Xatit 'aman galjina biichisa. They ate a lot of peaches. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from fruit.)
hupshut, hupushta’
hupshut, hupushta' v pick something out Hupshut 'aman k'oti'in. They picked out the big one. Hupushta' na' habilk'ya 'eelawi. I picked out the red flowers.
moxlit, moxilta’
moxlit, moxilta' v old (to become) Moxlit noono'. The man is getting old. Moxlit 'am gamiisha'. Her shirt is old.
woch'oshil n peach (wild) Bohlo' woch'oshil hew. Wild peaches grow here. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from fruit.)
moxolhoy’, moxolhoyi
moxolhoy', moxolhoyi n old people Moxolhoy' 'yokuch' yalk'it 'ooch'iy' 'oshto. The old people stood near the fire. Ta'ishta' na' moxolhoyi yokooch'i. I saw the old people.
xu’nay’ gew
xu'nay' gew adv over there Holoshga xu'nay' gew! Sit over there!
beelas n pear Bajeexat beelas. The pear rotted. Waanit 'aman shoopina beelasi. He gave them three pears. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from fruit.)