Archive for webonary

xayawshit, xayaawishta’

xayawshit, xayaawishta' v wear (cf. put on oneself) Ha'an da' xayaawishxon' Joe? What is Joe wearing? Xayaawishta' 'am lisanyu'un gamiisha'an. He wore his blue shirt.

shik’win, shik’wina

shik'win, shik'wina adj white Taane' shik'win som'. The white cloud will leave. Ama' ta'shit shik'wina soomi wa'law. He looked at the white cloud in the sky.

shilwit, shiliwta’

shilwit, shiliwta' v weave Shilwit hiilun. She weaved (with) thread. Shiliwta' 'aman hoopulan. They weaved (with) whiteroot.

shek’eewat, shek’eewata’

shek'eewat, shek'eewata' v white (to become) Shek'eewat paaxish. The spring turned white. Shek'eewata' 'ilk'aw gamiisha' nim. My shirt turned white in the water.

yunuuk’at, yunuuk’ata’

yunuuk'at, yunuuk'ata' v warm (to become) Yunuuk'at 'ama'. He got warm. Yunuuk'ata' manaw. It warmed up outside.

Shopeeyanaw; Shopeeyataw

Shopeeyanaw; Shopeeyataw n Wednesday Taane' 'am nopop Shopeeyanaw. His father is going on Wednesday. Banewishta' aman Shopeeyanaw. They raced on Wednesday. (sem. domains: - Days of the week.)

k’eemixiy’, k’eemixiya

k'eemixiy', k'eemixiya n white oak Mich wa'at' k'eemixiy'. The white oak is very tall. Halaaxinta' t'uyt'uy' k'eemixiya. The chipmunk climbed the white oak.

yunuk’tat, yunuk’tata’

yunuk'tat, yunuk'tata' v warm up something Yunuk'tat xataashi. He warmed up the food. Yunuk'tata' 'am kape'en. She warmed up her coffee.


toxil n West Xayaata' K'ayu' weela'an toxil. Coyote put the light in the west. (sem. domains: - North, south, east, west.)

wat’, waat’a

wat', waat'a n who Wat' da' hi'? Who is this? Ohom' na' yathil waat'a. I didn't talk to anyone.