'ooposhit, 'ooposhto' v pick for oneself Ishli' 'ooposhit maamila. Ishli picked blackberries for herself. Ooposhto' 'aman 'aabula. They have picked apples for themselves.
Archive for webonary
moxlo’, moxlo’on
moxlo', moxlo'on adj old Hiyeema' 'alit, hew xooto' moxlo' k'oliswa' mokeela'. A long time ago, there lived an old small woman. Xayaawushit moxlo'on gamiisha. She wore an old shirt. (sem. domains: - Old person, - Old, not new, - Old fashioned, - Old, not young.)
biichis, biichisa
biichis, biichisa n peach Hishe' mi'in biichis. The peaches are getting ripe soon. Xatit 'aman galjina biichisa. They ate a lot of peaches. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from fruit.)
hupshut, hupushta’
hupshut, hupushta' v pick something out Hupshut 'aman k'oti'in. They picked out the big one. Hupushta' na' habilk'ya 'eelawi. I picked out the red flowers.
moxlit, moxilta’
moxlit, moxilta' v old (to become) Moxlit noono'. The man is getting old. Moxlit 'am gamiisha'. Her shirt is old.
woch'oshil n peach (wild) Bohlo' woch'oshil hew. Wild peaches grow here. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from fruit.)
moxolhoy’, moxolhoyi
moxolhoy', moxolhoyi n old people Moxolhoy' 'yokuch' yalk'it 'ooch'iy' 'oshto. The old people stood near the fire. Ta'ishta' na' moxolhoyi yokooch'i. I saw the old people.
xu’nay’ gew
xu'nay' gew adv over there Holoshga xu'nay' gew! Sit over there!