no'om, no'oomo n mother Mich no'om nim wa'at'. My mother is really tall. Ta'ishta' 'ama' nim nopoopo yo' nim no'oomo. She saw my father and my mother.
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laabu’, laabu’un
laabu', laabu'un n nail K'ashta' nan laabu'. The nail poked me. Haman na' k'o'to' laabu'un. I hit the nail with a hammer.
noonip, noonipa
noonip, noonipa n nine Hewetta' noonip noono' peeliw. Nine men walked on the street. Kishaalan' na' noonipa hoona. I will fry nine eggs.
no’om, nu’um
no'om, nu'um n mother Mich no'om nim wa'at. My mother is really tall. Ta'ishta' 'ama' nim nopoopo yo' nim no'oomo. She saw my father and my mother. (sem. domains: 2.6.3 - Birth, - Adopt, - Father, mother, - Parts of small animals, - Rear a child.)
xeeshix, xeeshixi
xeeshix, xeeshixi n nail Xeeshix 'am k'ashta' nan. Her nails poked me. K'eelit 'am xeeshixi hablik'ya. She painted her nails red.
‘ontip, ‘ontipa
'ontip, 'ontipa n mother-in-law Xata'an' min 'ontipa maamila. Your mother-in-law is eating blueberries. Dihe' na' 'am 'ontipa. I will follow her mother-in-law.
hoyowush, hoyowusha
hoyowush, hoyowusha n name Hoyowush 'am Nina'. Her name is Nina. Shepga min hoyowusha hew! Write your name here!
nonp'il'₁ adj ninth (sem. domains: - Fraction, - Ordinal numbers.)
weheeshit, weheeshita
weheeshit, weheeshita n mountain lion Gadaayit weheeshit. The mountain lion was hungry. Weheeshita na' beeleta'. I fed the mountain lion. (sem. domains: - Mountain, - Carnivore, 1.6.7 - Male and female animals.)