Xoshoomo', Xoshoomo'on n Miwok (or Southerner) Tanta' Xoshoomo' mosow. The Miwoks went to the sweathouse. Ta'ishhil naa'an Xoshoomo'on 'amaa. We saw the Miwoks there.
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maajis, maajisa
maajis, maajisa n matches Hot'inta' maajis. The matches burned. Puushut na' maajisa. I blew the matches.
julnut, julunta’
julnut, julunta' v melt Julnut heexa'. The oil is melting. (sem. domains: 8.3.4 - Hot, 1.2.3 - Solid, liquid, gas, - Smelting.)
goyut, goyto’
goyut, goyto' v mix Goyut na haliina'an; baana'an na' mi'in di'she'. I mixed the flour; then I'm going to make bread. Goyto' haliina'an, k'uyu'un, leeji'in. She mixed flour, sugar, milk.
na'ash₁ adv may, might (cf. can) Aman na'ash gobol taxaati'in. They may gather sourberries. Nahni' na'ash mokeela' widnal. The woman might fall.
ch’apnit, ch’aapinta’
ch'apnit, ch'aapinta' v melt something Eeni' ch'apnit. The snow melted. Ch'aapinta' soopul'. The ice melted.
shuyun, shuyna
shuyun, shuyna n moccasin Dolk'ok'ono ohyot 'am shuyna. Giant looked for his moccasin. (sem. domains: - Snake.)
nahni'₁ adv maybe Nahni' na'ash na' k'eshnal xo'ow. Maybe I could go inside the house. Nahni' na' na'ash gosneenol gayiina'an. I could cook the chicken.
julut, julta’
julut, julta' v melt something Julut na' heexa'an. I melted the oil. Julta' na' badaa'an. I melted the butter.
‘oomi’, ‘oomi’in
'oomi', 'oomi'in n mommy Taanit min 'oomi' denderow. Your mommy went to the store. Yatta' 'aman nim 'oomi'in. They talked to my mommy.