Archive for webonary

weele’hiy’, weele’hiya

weele'hiy', weele'hiya n ladle (lit. something to stir with) Xoch'ooyoto' weele'hiy'. The ladle was dirty. Xayaata' weele'hiya keewishaw. He put the ladle in the pot.


'am/'amin ProN his, her Hoxitta' 'amin cheexa'. His dog barked. Mich' k'oti' 'am xo'. Her house is very big.


washaama'- n house (round, for ceremony) Mich k'oti' washaama'. The round house is very big.


'ugda' adv indeed, do (expression of insistence, obligatory) Adeg 'ugda' haliina'an gustaliw! Do bring the flour in a sack! Dihga 'ugda' nan! Do follow me!

layit, layta’

layit, layta' v kick Layit na' 'ap'ooma. I just kicked the ball. Layta' gawaayu' nan. The horse kicked me.

t’a’yi’, t’a’yi’in

t'a'yi', t'a'yi'in n lake Mich lisanyu' t'a'yi'. The lake is really blue. Bok'it Nancy t'a'yi'in. Nancy found the lake.

wosit, wosto’

wosit, wosto' v hit (cf. beat) Wosit nim boshoona. She hit my knee. Cheexa' wosto' nan k'ut'an 'am. The dog hit me with its tail.

shaamish, shaamishi

shaamish, shaamishi n house (traditional) Shaamish dullaw. The traditional house is up in the mountain. Di'ishta' 'aman shaamisi heyema 'alit. They built the traditional house a long time ago.


hodhodi'- n Indian paintbrush Bohlo' hodhodi' hidyaw. Indian paintbrush grows everywhere.

hasha’wet, hasha’weta’

hasha'wet, hasha'weta' n kill Hasha'wet na' k'oolapi'in. I just killed the mosquito. Hasha'weta' xooyi. He killed the deer.