gomooch'it, gomoch'ta' v hug Gomoch'on ch'eexa'an. She's hugging the dog. (sem. domains: - Near, - Greet, - Actions of the hand, 4.1.8 - Show affection, 2.6.2 - Sexual relations.)
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k’uyukat, k’uyukata’
k'uyukat, k'uyukata' v itch K'uyukat nim tuk'. My ear itched. Nim 'och'ow' k'uyukata'. My head itched.
boshon’, boshoona
boshon', boshoona n knee K'oyok'at boshon' nim. My knee were itchy. Woshit nim boshoona. He hit my knee. (sem. domains: 2.1.6 - Bone, joint, 7.1.4 - Kneel.)
xoyosh, xoyooshi
xoyosh, xoyooshi n horn (of animal) Jawwan dooro'on xoyosh. The bull's horns are hard. Loolut na' dooro'on xoyooshi teseech'iw. I hung the bull's horns on the door.
demaysu n hummingbird (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)
xomix, xomxi
xomix, xomxi n jackrabbit Yawaalit noh'o' xomxi. The bear chased the jackrabbit. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)
nuhk’ut, nuhuk’ta’
nuhk'ut, nuhuk'ta' v kneel down Nuhk'ut miisa'hiyaw. He knelt down at the church. Nuhuk'ta' na' 'ooch'iy' gaama'an. I knelt down by the bed.
sopopo’, sopopo’on
sopopo', sopopo'on n horned toad Holosh'an' sopopo' sheleelaw. The horned toad is sitting on the rock. Ta'ishta' na' sopopo'on. I saw the horn-toad.
deemay’su’, deemay’su’un
deemay'su', deemay'su'un n hummingbird Hoyon'on' deemaysu' 'ooch'iy' 'utu'un. The hummingbird is flying near the tree. Ta'ishma'shaxon' deemaysu'un. He wants to see a hummingbird.
Jaapani’, Jaapani’in
Jaapani', Jaapani'in n Japanese Mokiy' 'am Jaapani'. His wife is Japanese.