Archive for webonary


'am ProN him, her Jack 'utyut 'am. Jack pushed him. Gewta' na' 'am. I met her.

xo’, xo’o

xo', xo'o n house Xo' nim 'ooch'iy'. My house is nearby. Walxon' may' 'am xo'o. We are passing his house.

na’, nan

na', nan ProN I Ta'ishhil na' 'amaamin. I saw them. Ta'ishhil 'aman nan. They saw me.

yaawe’, yaawe’en

yaawe', yaawe'en n key Lulna'xon' yaawe' dik'in teseech'i. The key has been hanging behind the door. Wanga nan yaawe'en! Give me the key!


bayan' adj know how, good at Taa noono' mich bayan' hatma. That man is good at singing. Bayan' naa'ak' gayeeda'an di'sham'. We both know how to make cookies.


'am/'amin ProN his, her Hoxitta' 'amin cheexa'. His dog barked. Mich' k'oti' 'am xo'. Her house is very big.


washaama'- n house (round, for ceremony) Mich k'oti' washaama'. The round house is very big.

honok’honok’, honok’honook’a

honok'honok', honok'honook'a n inchworm Taa du' honok'honok'. That's an inchworm, y'know. Ta'shit taa p'ay' honok'honook'a. That child saw an inchworm.

hanit, han’ta’

hanit, han'ta' v kick Hanit 'ap'ooma. He kicked the ball. Han'ta' taa p'ay' gaadu'un. The child kicked the cat.

weele’hiy’, weele’hiya

weele'hiy', weele'hiya n ladle (lit. something to stir with) Xoch'ooyoto' weele'hiy'. The ladle was dirty. Xayaata' weele'hiya keewishaw. He put the ladle in the pot.