somleela', somleela'an n hat Mich k'oti' 'am somleela'. Her hat is very big. Xayawshit 'am somleela'an. He put on his hat.
Archive for webonary
amlam’, amalich’
amlam', amalich' n helper (sem. domains: - Help.)
hach’aach’at, hach’aach’ata’
hach'aach'at, hach'aach'ata' v goose bumps (to have) Hach'aach'at na' manaw tishmi. I'm getting goose bumps going outside. Hosheewata'. Hach'aachata' 'aman. It was cold. They got goose bumps.
pu'xa'ich' adj grey (as in: the grey-haired one) Ta' mokeela' pu'xa'ich' shilsham'. She's the grey-haired woman.
saak’at, saak’ati
saak'at, saak'ati n gum (from milkweed) Shit'eeyat saak'at. Gum tastes good. Xayat saak'ati shamaw 'am. He put the gum in his mouth.
lasiida’, lasiida’an
lasiida', lasiida'an n hatchet Sasyinta' 'am lasiida'. His hatched broke. Sasiyta' na' 'am lasiida'an. I broke her hatchet.
loot’i’, loot’i’in
loot'i', loot'i'in n hemorrhoids Loot'i' 'am meejin'an' k'oyook'axon'. His hemorrhoids really itches. Dokton' hoyo'lata' 'am loot'i'in. The doctor healed his hemorrhoids.
sumsuk, sumsux
sumsuk, sumsux n gooseberry K'ashit nan sumsux. The gooseberry (thorn) poked me. Xatit 'ama' galjina sumsuxa. He ate a lot of gooseberries.
pu’xa’, pu’xa’an
pu'xa', pu'xa'an n grey hair Pu'xa' 'am na'ash hew ta'ishhanal. Her grey hair can be seen from here. Ohom' gay'sine' 'am pu'xa'an. He doesn't like his grey hair.
nok’on’, nok’oono
nok'on', nok'oono n gun Lulna'xon' nok'on' laabuw. The gun is hanging on the nail. Lulta' nok'oono 'ooch'iy' teseech'i. He hung the gun near the door.