dosh, dosho n gut Xayathanta' lopsin dosh lameesaw. The gut of the fish was put on the table. Yugushta' dosho. He washed the gut.
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diwdiw’, diwdiwa
diwdiw', diwdiwa n hawk (cf. chicken hawk) Hoyinta' diwdiw'. The hawk flew away. Ka'yu' wanta' Diwdiwa huwich'an. Coyote gave Hawk honey. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)
‘en’shay’, ‘en’shayi
'en'shay', 'en'shayi n grandfather Panan' 'en'shay' mi'in. Grandfather will arrive soon. Gewta' ma' 'en'shayi nim. You have met my grandfather.
gumal’, gumali
gumal', gumali n grill (for cooking tortillas) Xap'eelat mejnit gumal'. The grill got really hot. Xitxitta' gumali. He scrubbed the grill.
xowis, xowso
xowis, xowso n hail Mich k'oti' xowis. The hail is very big. Ta'shit na' xowso xoch'ooyow. I saw hail on the ground.
bu’, bu’a
bu', bu'a n hawk (red-tailed) Hoyon'on' bu' sipin'. The hawk is flying above. Dihta' na' bu'a. I followed the hawk. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)
mugshay’, mugshayi
mugshay', mugshayi n grandmother Mugshay' 'ama' yo' 'en'shay' yatwish'an'. Grandma and grandpa are talking to each other. Yooyon' 'am mugshayi. She's going to call her grandma. (sem. domains: - Grandfather, grandmother.)
poyit, poyto’
poyit, poyto' v grind (cf. pound) Poyit bimyinde'en. He crushed the black pepper. Poyto' na' simiiya'an sheleelaw. I ground the seeds on the rock.
shilish, shilshi
shilish, shilshi n hair Dameek'ata' 'am shilish. Her hair smelled sweet. Hedda' beenaxon' 'am shilshi. She is still combing her hair.