Archive for webonary

saak’at, saak’ati

saak'at, saak'ati n gum (from milkweed) Shit'eeyat saak'at. Gum tastes good. Xayat saak'ati shamaw 'am. He put the gum in his mouth.

lasiida’, lasiida’an

lasiida', lasiida'an n hatchet Sasyinta' 'am lasiida'. His hatched broke. Sasiyta' na' 'am lasiida'an. I broke her hatchet.

loot’i’, loot’i’in

loot'i', loot'i'in n hemorrhoids Loot'i' 'am meejin'an' k'oyook'axon'. His hemorrhoids really itches. Dokton' hoyo'lata' 'am loot'i'in. The doctor healed his hemorrhoids.

sumsuk, sumsux

sumsuk, sumsux n gooseberry K'ashit nan sumsux. The gooseberry (thorn) poked me. Xatit 'ama' galjina sumsuxa. He ate a lot of gooseberries.

pu’xa’, pu’xa’an

pu'xa', pu'xa'an n grey hair Pu'xa' 'am na'ash hew ta'ishhanal. Her grey hair can be seen from here. Ohom' gay'sine' 'am pu'xa'an. He doesn't like his grey hair.

nok’on’, nok’oono

nok'on', nok'oono n gun Lulna'xon' nok'on' laabuw. The gun is hanging on the nail. Lulta' nok'oono 'ooch'iy' teseech'i. He hung the gun near the door.

bajxinit, bajxinta’

bajxinit, bajxinta' v hate (cf. dislike) Bajxinit na' 'am. I hated him. Bajxinta' 'aman' nan. They hated me.


hew adv here Xayan' na' mi'in hew bilaasu'un. I'm going to put the plate down here. Shipga min hoyowush hew! Write your name here! (sem. domains: - Indefinite location, - Go, 9.6 - Connected with, related, - Absent, - Annoyed, - Not yet, - Come, - Prompters of attention, - Soon, - Empty, 8.5.1 - Here, there.)

sumsux, sumsuxa

sumsux, sumsuxa n gooseberry K'ashit nan sumsux. The gooseberry (thorn) poked me. Xatit 'ama' galjina sumsuxa. He ate a lot of gooseberries.

maw’, maawi

maw', maawi n grey squirrel Xata'an' maw' simiiya'an. The grey squirrel is eating seeds. Maawi na' wanit toonan. I gave the grey squirrel some nuts.