Archive for webonary

mugshay’, mugshayi

mugshay', mugshayi n grandmother Mugshay' 'ama' yo' 'en'shay' yatwish'an'. Grandma and grandpa are talking to each other. Yooyon' 'am mugshayi. She's going to call her grandma. (sem. domains: - Grandfather, grandmother.)

poyit, poyto’

poyit, poyto' v grind (cf. pound) Poyit bimyinde'en. He crushed the black pepper. Poyto' na' simiiya'an sheleelaw. I ground the seeds on the rock.

shilish, shilshi

shilish, shilshi n hair Dameek'ata' 'am shilish. Her hair smelled sweet. Hedda' beenaxon' 'am shilshi. She is still combing her hair.


'ama'₂ ProN he (cf. she) Xatit 'ama' bana'an. He ate the bread. Gewta' na' am. I met him.

napash, napsha

napash, napsha n grandson, granddaughter


ba'ot v grope Ba'ot na' limeek'ataw. I groped around when it's the dark. Ba'ota' 'ama' limk'iw wo'oyhuyaw. She groped around in the dark bedroom. (sem. domains: - Actions of the hand.)


shilshiin adj hairy (lit. with hair) Mich taa shilshiin. That person is really hairy.

ama’, ‘am

ama', 'am ProN he, she Xatit 'ama' baana'an. He ate the bread. Di'ishta' 'ama' yunk'u limna. She made the warm acorn mush.

napshay’, napshayi

napshay', napshayi n grandson, granddaughter (diminutive) Waxal'an' 'am napshay'. His grandson is crying. K'epeenit mokeela' 'am napshayi. The woman put her grandson on her lap.

xoch’oy, xoch’ooyo

xoch'oy, xoch'ooyo n ground (cf. dirt, soil) Meejinta' xoch'oy ch'apiyta' shee'aliw. The ground was really wet in the rain. Potgo xoch'ooyo! Touch the ground!