ch'adbit, ch'adibta' v flip (over) Ch'adbit na' nim p'onosha. I flipped over my hand. Ch'adibta' 'am hoona. She flipped over her egg.
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hadbil' adj fourth (sem. domains: - Fraction, - Ordinal numbers, 8.1.1 - Number.)
‘aleeja’, ‘aleeja’an
'aleeja', 'aleeja'an adj funny (cf. crazy) Lihimta' 'aleeja' noono'. The crazy man ran. Ta'shit na' 'aleeja'an noono'on. I saw the crazy man.
‘ishet, ‘isheta’
'ishet, 'isheta' v get out of the way (cf. move over) Ishet na'. I moved out of the way. Isheta', mi'in widinta'. He moved out of the way and fell.
wasu’, wasu’un
wasu', wasu'un n glass (to drink from) Taa wasu' bemeemat. That glass was full. Yugushta' galjina wasu'un. He washed many glasses.
haliina’, haliina’an
haliina', haliina'an n flour Papiyta' haliina' lameesaw. The flour scattered on the table. Goyut na' haliina'an, baana'an na' mi'in di'she'. I mixed the flour; then I'm going to make bread. (sem. domains: - Food storage, - Cooking ingredients, - Grind flour.)
‘aw’ja’, ‘aw’ja’an
'aw'ja', 'aw'ja'an n fox Kayamwushit 'aw'ja'. The fox yawned. Yawaalit gaadu' 'aw'ja'an. The cat chased a fox. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)
'aljana' n funny (to be one) Lihim'an' 'aljana' p'ay'. The funny child is running. Ta'ishta' na' p'aya 'aljana'an. I saw the funny child.
'ishet v get out of the way, 2 (or, move over) Ishet na'. I moved out of the way. Isheta', mi'in widinta'. He moved out of the way and fell.
p’onshuwsha’hiy’, p’onshuwsha’hiya
p'onshuwsha'hiy', p'onshuwsha'hiya n gloves Bonoy' p'onshuwsha'hiy' t'apt'apnat tesech'iw. Two gloves knocked at the door. Ta'ishta' na' bonyo p'onshuwsha'hiya lameesaw. I saw two gloves on the table.