Archive for webonary

jobbit, jobobto’

jobbit, jobobto' v foam Jobbit ilik'. The water foamed. Jobobto' ilik'. The water foamed. (sem. domains: 1.3.2 - Movement of water, - Liquid.)

namix, namxa

namix, namxa n friend (cf. playmate) Jeletta' Kate 'ama' yo' 'am namix xata'hiyaw. Kate and her friend had lunch at the restaurant. Walxot na' nim namxa. I passed by my friend.

yolownit, yoloowinta’

yolownit, yoloowinta' v gather Chipne' yolownit. The spirits gathered. Yoloowinta' 'aman 'am tisha'taw. They gathered at his birthday.

‘unu’, ‘unu’un

'unu', 'unu'un n ghost Panat 'unu' hoy'li. The ghost left quickly. Ta'ishta' na' 'unu'un manaw. I saw the ghost outside. (sem. domains: - Abandon, 4.9.2 - Supernatural being.)


k'eshnit₂ v go inside (cf. enter)

k’u’mal’, k’u’mali

k'u'mal', k'u'mali n fog Soomo' k'u'mal' 'utu'un. The fog covers the trees. Pusho' jawwan shokow' k'u'mali. The strong wind blows the fog.

homuk’, homook’a

homuk', homook'a adj friendly Amilta' 'amaamin homuk' noono'. The friendly man helped them. Ta'shit na' homook'a mokeela'an. I saw the friendly woman.

low’niwshat, low’niwshata’

low'niwshat, low'niwshata' v gather (to celebrate at a party) Low'nishat 'aman 'am tisha'taw. They gathered at his birthday. Low'niwshata' 'aman Tishamyuw. They gathered at Spring time.

dolk’ok’no’, dolk’ok’no’on

dolk'ok'no', dolk'ok'no'on n giant Dolk'ok'no' yunshut mi'in holook'ut k'oti'in k'eemixi. The giant shook and pulled out the big oak tree. Sawta' Ka'yu' Dolk'ok'no'on. Coyote shouted at Giant. (sem. domains: 4.9.2 - Supernatural being, 8.2 - Big.)

k’eshnit, k’eeshinta’₂

k'eshnit, k'eeshinta'₂ v go inside (cf. enter)