p'onshuwsha'hiy', p'onshuwsha'hiya n gloves Bonoy' p'onshuwsha'hiy' t'apt'apnat tesech'iw. Two gloves knocked at the door. Ta'ishta' na' bonyo p'onshuwsha'hiya lameesaw. I saw two gloves on the table.
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hulnut, hulunta’
hulnut, hulunta' v flow Hulnut ilik' biibaw. The water flowed in the pipe. Hulunta' ilik' bibaw. The water flowed in the pipe. (sem. domains: - Heart, - River, 1.3.2 - Movement of water, - Flow, - Pour, 2.2.5 - Bleed, blood, - Spring, well, - Volcano, 7.5.5 - Organize.)
soplit, sopilta’
soplit, sopilta' v freeze Ilik' soplit. The water froze. Ilik' sopilta'. The water froze.
‘aljana’, ‘aljana’an
'aljana', 'aljana'an n funny (to be one) Lihim'an' 'aljana' p'ay'. The funny child is running. Ta'ishta' na' p'aaya 'aljana'an. I saw the funny child.
‘oyit, ‘oyto’
'oyit, 'oyto' v get out of the way; move over Oyit na' hida'new lameesaw. I moved to a different table. Oyto' naa'ak'. We both moved over.
ch’a’it, ch’a’ta’
ch'a'it, ch'a'ta' v glue (cf. stick) P'onosh nim ch'a'ta' lameesaw. My hand was glued on the table.
‘eelaw, ‘eelawi
'eelaw, 'eelawi n flower Elwit galjin 'eelaw'. Many flowers bloomed. Bayanag galjina eelawi! Pick many flowers! (sem. domains: 5.1.2 - Household decoration, - Growing bananas, - Growing flowers, 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant, - Participate.)
Yat'eeshanaw adv Friday Ohom' na' dawhale' Yat'eeshanaw. I don't work on Fridays.
mondet, mondeta’
mondet, mondeta' v gamble Mondet na' nim k'eexa'an. I gambled my money. Mondeta' na' nim k'eexa'an. I gambled my money. (sem. domains: - Gambling.)
wotset, wotseta’
wotset, wotseta' v get up Gaamaw 'am wotset. He got up from his bed. Holoshta', mi'in wotseta'. He sat down, then he got up.