Search results for "na', nan"

mahma'ach', mahmach'i n bully (lit. somebody who is no good) Ama' mahma'ach' dalewhil nan. That bully tripped me. Mahmach’i na’ woshil sheleelan. I hit the bad guy with a rock.

t'eewish, t'eewisha n basket (for cooking acorn) Utuyhanta' t'eewish 'adlen lameesa'an. The basket was pushed under the table. Wanga nan t'eewisha! Give me the basket!

habilk'ay' noh'o', hablik'ya noh'o'on n bear (as in: grizzly bear) Huju'nun' nan habilk'ay' noh'o'. Grizzly bears scare me. T'uyta' 'ama' hablik'ya noh'o'on. He shot the grizzly bear.

badach', badaach'i n body louse Badach' 'ach'ch'it nan. A louse bit me. Dachta' na' badaach'i. I have stepped on the louse.

ch'alwit, ch'aliwta' v bother (cf. annoy) Ch'alwit 'ama' nan. She bothered me. Ama' nooch'o' 'ohom' ch'aliwta' shidgila. The boy didn't bother the squirrel.

sok', sok'i n brain Sok' Nancy'in k'oti'. Nancy's brain is big. Kishaalata' ganaadu'un sok'i gosneeno'. The chef cooked the cow's brains.

hidya', hidya'an n all, every Odibhanta' hidya' windara'. All windows were opened. Nancy hidya'an 'amaamin washshitit. Nancy told all of them a story.

hiyim' adv already Hiyim' xi balk'it. She's already pregnant. (sem. domains: - Now.)

heweyit, heweyta' v answer Heweyit 'am leelilaych'i. She answered the teacher. Heweyta' nan. He answered me.

k'eenich', k'eenich'i n ant Ach'ich'ta' nan k'eenich' ch'alew'. The bothersome ants bit me. Dachta' na' k'eenich'i. I stepped on the ant.