Search results for "an'"

huuya', huuya'an n caterpillar Balash'an' huuya' t'appashiw. The catterpillar crawled on the leaf. Xatta' Sandy huuya'an. Sandy ate huuya.

'ujukshul', 'ujukshula n chin Taxeetaxon' nim 'ujukshul'. My chin has been hurting. K'oyok'san' na' 'ujukshula. I scratched my chin. (sem. domains: 2.1.1 - Head.)

som', soomi n cloud Meejin'an' boyeemaxon' som'. The cloud became really beautiful. Ta'shit na' soomi. I saw the cloud.

bich'ich', bich'ch'i adj cold Ustuubaw xap'eelan' xatash bich'ich'. The cold food will become hot on the stove. Lameesaw xayat 'aman bich'ch'i xataashi. They put the cold food on the table. (sem. domains: - Season, - Uninterested, bored, 4.8.1 - Hostility, - Afraid, - Cowardice, - Skin disease, - Cold, 2.5.2 - Disease, - Unfriendly.)

gayeeda' n cookie K'amnit gayeeda'. The cookies dried up. Bayan' xi gayeeda'an di'sham'. He knows how to make cookies. (sem. domains: - Store wealth, - Prepared food.)

wokeela', wokeela'an n cowboy Hulush'an' wokeela' gullaliw. The cowboys are sitting on the fence. Yooyoto' 'am nopop wokeela'an. His father called the cowboy.

ka'yu', ka'yu'un n coyote Ka'yu' hadmit peeli. The coyote crossed the road. Ta'ash'an' 'aman ka'yu'un. They are looking at a coyote.

waxat', waxat'i n crane Ta'ash'an' waxat' mam. The crane is watching you. Ta'ishta' na' waxat'i. I saw the crane. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)

dooro', dooro'on n bull Xoyit nan dooro'. The bull hit me with its horn. An' t'apelga dooro'on! Don't slap the bull!

ch'ipch'ipil, ch'ipch'ipla n bat Ch'ipch'ipil wo'oy'an'. The bat is sleeping. Hoxtit cheexa' ch'ipch'ipla. The dog barked at the bat.