Search results for "du'"

gaadu', gaadu'un n cat Xishwit gaadu' utu'un. The cat scratched the tree. Yawalta' cheexa' gaadu'un. The dog chased the cat. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)

ganaadu', ganaadu'un n cow Womichta' ganaadu' shokoya. The cow chewed the grass. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)

dugmat, dugmata' v bruise Dugmat nim weebin. My arm bruised. Dugmata' 'am dadach'. His foot bruised.

budush, budusha n acorn (of black oak) Papyit xoch'ooyow budush. Black oak acorns scattered on the ground. Poyit na' budusha. I ground the black oak acorn.

'uduulan, 'uduulana n acorn soup Shit'eeyat 'uduulan. The acorn soup tasted good. 'Uduulana na' di'shit. I made acorn soup.

mokeela', mokeela'an n woman Tashin hach'ami' mokeela' ta'ishta' nan. Those young women saw me. Ta'ishta' na' k'oliswa'an mokeela'an. I saw the little woman. (sem. domains: - Old person, 4.1.2 - Types of people, - Woman, - Youth, - Adult.)

hedesh, hedeesha n wood (for fireplace) K'aminta' hedesh. The wood dried up. Lasta' k'amna'an hedeesha. He chopped the dried wood. (sem. domains: - Wood, - Plant product, 6.5.3 - Building materials, - Lucky, 6.6.3 - Working with wood, 5.5.5 - What fires produce, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant, 5.5 - Fire.)

kayamwishit, kayamwishta' v yawn K'ayamwishit gaadu'. The cat yawned. P'ay' kayamwishta'. The child yawned.

maa'ak', maamik' ProN you, dual Yawalhil maa'ak' gaadu'un. You two chased the cat. Nancy wanit maamik' maamila. Nancy gave the two of you some blackberries.

naa'ak', naanig ProN we (dual, not including you) Ta'ishhil naa'ak' mam. We (two) saw you. Basyalit ma' naanig. You visited us both.