Search results for "xo', xo'o"

halum'sat, halum'sata' v tiptoe Halum'sat p'ayee'i k'eeshinmi xo'ow. The kids tiptoed when they came in the house. Halum'sata' 'aman halaada' wo'yexooto' no'om. They tiptoed because mother was sleeping.

ch'enshit, ch'enishta' v sweep Ch'enshit na' xo'o. I swept the house. Ch'enishta' hidyaw helew. He swept everywhere. (sem. domains: - Move quickly, - Hide your thoughts, - Touch, - Win, 5.6.5 - Sweep, rake.)

washit, washta' v tell a story Matt washit. Matt told a story. Washta' taa noono' nim xo'ow. That man told a story at my house.

tawnit, taawinta' v stay until morning Tawnit 'aman nim xo'ow. They stayed in my house until morning. Taawinta' na' hew. I stayed here until morning.

hedda' adv still Hedda' xo'ow. He is still at the house. Hedda' beenaxon' 'am shilshi. He is still combing his hair. (sem. domains: 6.6.5 - Art, - But, - Aspect--stative verbs, - Remain, remainder, 7.2.7 - Not moving, - Stay, remain, - Wind, - Not yet, - Calm, rough, - Alcohol preparation.)

yalk'it, yalik'ta' v stand (cf. stop) Yalk'it naa'ak' ch'enawiw. Both of us stood in the shadow. Yalik'ta' na' k'eeshiw 'am xo'ow. I stood up inside her house.

'axit, 'axta' v stay overnight Axit na' 'am xo'ow. I'm staying overnight in her house. Axta' 'aman dullaw. They stayed overnight in the mountain.

hap'is, hap'si adj soft K'amin'an' hap'is banyu' k'eeshiw xo'ow. The soft cloth is drying up inside the house. Lushga nan min hap'si 'odxo! Lend me your soft pillow!

'alit adv some time ago Ama' hishta' xo'ow 'alit. He hid in the house some time ago. Shawigta' na' nim sabaadu'un 'alit. I bought my shoes a while back.

pitlit, pitilta' v show something Pitlit nan di'sha limna. She showed me how to make acorn mush. Pitilta' nan 'am xo'o. She showed me her house.