Search results for "an'"

nomik', nomk'i adj warm Ohom' da' nomik' kape' shit'eyan'. Warm coffee does not taste good. Opixta' 'amak' nomk'i 'ilk'a. They two poured out the warm water.

'aman, 'amaamin ProN they (plural) Aman xata'an'. They are eating. Linda wanta' 'amaamin hedeesha. Linda gave them wood.

taashin those Hewet'an' tashin hach'aami' mokeela'. Those young women are walking. Xatta' na' tashin shoopina aabula. I ate those three apples.

taashik' n those two T'ulta' taashik' xo'. Those two houses burned down. Hoych'an' na' taashik' sabaadu'un. I want those two shoes (or, that pair of shoes).

Hadeebanaw n Thursday Panan' Pelesnow Hadeebanaw. She is going to arrive in Fresno on Thursday. Yolowne' aman Hadeebanaw. They will get together on Thursday. (sem. domains: - Days of the week.)

Dominkanaw n Sunday Miisan' wil' Dominkanaw. He used to go to church on Sundays. (sem. domains: - Days of the week.)

balik', balk'a n stomach K'o'omwulan' nim balik'. My stomach is growling. Bilyit' 'ama' nim balk'a. He leaned hard on my stomach. (sem. domains: - Thin person, - Stomach illness, - Satiated, full, 2.1.2 - Torso, - Stomach, 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.)

washach', washaach'i n story teller Washach' panan' mi'in. The story teller will arrive soon. Yatta' na' washaach'i. I talked to the story teller.

lipit, lipta' v spy on somebody/something Shonna' lipa'an' ch'enbayi. Shonna is spying on the bird. Lipga gawaayu'un! Spy on the horse!

hap'is, hap'si adj soft K'amin'an' hap'is banyu' k'eeshiw xo'ow. The soft cloth is drying up inside the house. Lushga nan min hap'si 'odxo! Lend me your soft pillow!