Search results for "du'"

bonyil' adv twice Bonyil' na' hanta' waldina. I kicked the bucket twice. Bonyil' na' tanta' dullaw. I went to the mountain twice. (sem. domains: - Two, - Number of times.)

'amak', 'amaamig ProN they (dual) Bememlata' 'amak' k'oti'in gahoona. They both filled up the big box. Jack 'utyut 'amaamig. Jack pushed them (both).

taashik' n those two T'ulta' taashik' xo'. Those two houses burned down. Hoych'an' na' taashik' sabaadu'un. I want those two shoes (or, that pair of shoes).

shownit, showinta' v swell Shownit min shasha'. My eyes are swollen. Mijnit dugma'ich' showinta'. The bruise really swelled. (sem. domains: - Swell, - To a larger degree, - Wave, - Male organs, 1.5.6 - Growth of plants, - Increase.)

oxiwit, 'oxiwta' v take off clothing items Noono' jageeda'an 'am 'oxiwit. The man took off his coat. Oxiwta' 'am sabaadu'un 'ooch'iy' teseech'i. He took off his shoes by the door.

'amaagin ProN their (dual) P'ay' 'amaagin mich kande'ich'. Their child is a real candy-eater.

maldit, malidta' v stick tongue out at somebody Maldit ganaadu' 'amaamin. The cow is sticking its tongue out at them. Malidta' ma' nan. You stuck your tongue out at me.

xot, xooto' v stay Xot 'aman nim xo'ow. They are staying in my house. Amaa du' na' xooto' yet' semaniw. I was there last week, y'know.

'axit, 'axta' v stay overnight Axit na' 'am xo'ow. I'm staying overnight in her house. Axta' 'aman dullaw. They stayed overnight in the mountain.

k'olestat, k'olestata' v small (to make) (cf. reduce)