Search results for "xo', xo'o"

tixtinit, tixtinta' v sick (to be) Tixtinit. She was sick. Tixtinta' hidya' taw xo'ow. Everybody in that house was sick.

jahichk'ay', jahichk'ayi adj silly K'eeshinta' jahichk'ay' noono' xo'ow. The silly man went into the house. Ta'ishta' na' noono'on jahichk'ayi. I say the silly man. (sem. domains: - Stupid, - Immature in behavior, 3.5.5 - Foolish talk.)

na'at, na'ata n sister (older sister) Na'at nim shawigta' hablik'ya 'otmobiila. My older sister bought a red car. Ta'ishta' na' min na'ata xo'ow. I saw my older sister at home.

wu'yut, wo'oyta' v sleep Wu'yut p'ay'. The child fell asleep. Cheexa' wo'oyan deyaw xo'ow. The dog is sleeping in front of the house. (sem. domains: 5.7.3 - Wake up, 2.3.5 - Sense of touch, - Bed, 5.7.1 - Go to sleep, - Worried, - Eye, 5.7 - Sleep.)

gustal', gustali n sack Ama' gustal' widnit. The sack fell. Xayaata' na' gustali xo'ow. I put the sack in the house.

yeheshnit, yeheshinta' v rest Hiyim' na' yeheshnit. I already rested. Yeheshinta' na' xo'ow. I rested at home. (sem. domains: - Relaxed, 2.4.5 - Rest, - Stop something, 7.1.6 - Lean, - Special days, - Stop moving, - Touching, contact, - Bury, - Room.)

jugugut v point Jugugut na' Cheryl. I pointed at Cheryl. Jugugut na' xo'ow. I pointed at the house.

sanwawa', sanwawa'an n ogre Mosto' sanwawa' wil' taane' 'amaamin xo'ow. The old ogre would come to their house. Mi'in 'aman yokuch' ta'ishta' moxlo'on sanwawa'an. Then the people saw the old ogre.

k'eelit, k'elta'₁ v paint (cf. spread) Nebech' nim k'eelit gullali. My older brother painted the fence. K'elta' na' nim xo'o habilk'ay. I painted my house red.

'oyut, 'oyto' v move Oyut 'aman xo'ow dullaw. They moved to the house in the mountain. Oyto' 'alit Pelesnow. He moved to Fresno a while ago.