Search results for "xo', xo'o"

nahni'₁ adv maybe Nahni' na'ash na' k'eshnal xo'ow. Maybe I could go inside the house. Nahni' na' na'ash gosneenol gayiina'an. I could cook the chicken.

dubut, dubta' v lead, 2 (by holding someone's hand/arm) Dubut na' 'am xo'ow. I lead her to the house. Dubta' 'am no'oomo. He lead his mother.

'anit, 'an'ta' v lean Anit na' 'utuw. I leaned on a tree. Anit na' xo'ow. I leaned on a house. (sem. domains: 3.2.8 - Tendency, - Leaning, sloping, - Crop failure, 3.2.5 - Opinion, 7.1.6 - Lean, 7.1.8 - Bend down, - Relaxed posture, 9.6.2 - Dependency relations.)

huy'at, huy'ata' v let K'eeshiw na' 'am huy'at xo'ow. I let him go inside the house. Huy'ata' na' 'am. I let him be.

wolit, wolto' v knock down Wolit tashik' 'utu'un. Those two knocked down a tree. Wolto' na' 'am xo'o. I knocked down his house.

k'eeshiw adv inside Nim noh'o' hini' k'eeshiw xo'ow. My bear is inside the house.

deeyaw adv front (in front of) Cheexa wo'oyan' deeyaw xo'o. The dog is sleeping in front of the house. Yalki'xon' taa mokeela' deeyaw nan. That woman has been standing in front of me.

k'eshnit, k'eeshinta'₁ v enter (cf. go inside) K'eshnit 'ama' xo'ow. He entered the house. K'eeshinta' na' 'ilpaw. I went into the cave.

k'eshnit₁ v enter (cf. go inside) K'eshnit 'ama' xo'ow. He entered the house. K'eeshinta' na' ilipaw. I went into the cave.

kono'shet, kono'sheta' v dinner (to have one) Kono'shet na' nameech'ataw. I was having dinner at seven. Kono'sheta' na' 'am xo'ow. I had dinner at her house.