Search results for "du'"

xamach', xamach'i n ribs Sasiyta' 'am xamach'i. He broke his ribs. Ganaadu'un xamach'i na' xatit. I ate cow's ribs.

halos, haloosa n rice Hi' du' halos bilaasuw. There is rice on the plate, y'know. Putu'mut na' haloosa. I boiled the rice. (sem. domains: - Alcoholic beverage, - Cooking ingredients, - Mill grain, - Growing rice, - Alcohol preparation.)

ch'emyaw n ridge Ch'emyaw galjin 'eelaw' bohlo' dullaw. Many flowers grow on the ridge in the mountain. Ta'ishhil na' lagyiw k'oti'in soopuli ch'emyaw. Yesterday I saw thick ice on the ridge.

sey', seeya n rock (as in pestle rock) Lat'aynit sey' dullaw. The pestle rock rolled down the hill. Heleeyit 'aman seeya. They carried the pestle rock.

balbalay', balbalya n rock (with holes for pounding acorns) Galjin balbalay' dullaw. There are many pounding rocks at the mountain. Ta'ishta' na' k'oti'in balbalya. I saw the big pounding rock.

kuyot, kuyoto' v root (dig with nose, e.g. for pigs) Kuyot gos xatmi. The pigs were digging with their nose while eating. Kuyoto' gos xoch'ooyow. The pig dug its nose in the ground.


shoowin', shoowina n pigeon Ugun'an' shoowin' 'ilk'a. The pigeon is drinking water. Yawalhil gaadu' shoowina. The cat chased the pigeon. (sem. domains: - Leg, - Bird, 6.3.6 - Poultry raising, 7.5.5 - Organize.)

'innil', 'innila n pine (yellow pine) Bohlo' 'innil' dullaw. Yellow pines grow in the mountain. Lasta' 'aman tan 'innila. They chopped that yellow pine.

yet', yeet'a n one Yet' nim gaadu'. I have one cat. Tishag yeet'a bilaasu'un! Take out one plate!

pumpumut, pumpumto' v peck Pumpumut gayiina' gaadu'un. The chicken pecked the cat. Pumpumto' ch'enbay' shidgila. The bird pecked the squirrel.