Search results for "na', nan"

shanhay', shanhayi n raccoon Shanhay' ta'shit nan. The raccoon saw me. Ta'shit saamil' shanhayi. The gopher saw the raccoon.

shee'al', shee'ali n rain Panan' shee'al' mi'in. The rain will come soon. Gay'sine' naa'an shee'ali hew. We like rain here.

k'ay' adv possibly Bajxine' nan k'ay'. He might not like me. Ama' hulushhuy' k'ay' k'elni t'ee manaw xon'. The chair might get painted if it stays outside. (sem. domains: - Possible, - Maybe.)

balak', balaak'i pregnant (as in: to be pregnant) Hewetta' taa mokeela' balak' hospitlaw. That pregnant woman walked to the hospital. Yatta' dokton' mokeela'an balaak'i. The doctor talked to the pregnant woman.

xayat, xayaata' v put down Xayat na' nim won'shi lameesaw. I put (down) my purse on the table. Nancy xayaata' hedeesha xoch'ooyow. Nancy put the wood on the ground.

k'a'yuwush Please! K'a'yuwush laniyga nan! Please listen to me! K'a'yuwush wanga nan kande'en! Please give me a candy!

jogoogot, jogogto' v point at someone Jogoogot na' 'am noono'on. I'm pointing at the man. Jogogto' leelilayich' nan. The teacher pointed at me.

wik'it v peek Wik'it 'ama' ch'enbayi. He peek at the bird. Nancy wik'ta' shidgila. Nancy peeked at the squirrel. (sem. domains: - Look.)

ch'oolut, ch'olto' v peel, 1 (for fruits: oranges, bananas, grapefruits, etc.) Ch'oolut na' k'emeexi'in. I peeled (the skin off of) the white oak acorn Ch'olto' na' 'orinji'in. I peeled the orange.

laabu', laabu'un n nail K'ashta' nan laabu'. The nail poked me. Haman na' k'o'to' laabu'un. I hit the nail with a hammer.