Search results for "an'"

maayin ProN our Bemeeman' maayin xo'. Our house will get full.

hihiina', hihiina'an n owl Holosh'an' hihiina' weewilaw. The owl is sitting on the branch. Laniyhil na' hihiina'an lagyiw. I heard the owl yesterday.

saldin, saldina n pan (for frying) Xap'eelan' mejne' saldin. The frying pan is going to get really hot. Yugshut na' saldina. I washed the frying pan.

galush; galshuy'; galushiya n pants Galushum' ma'? Do you have pants? Xayan' galjina galushhuya 'am gaamaw. He put many pants on the bed. (sem. domains: 5.3.1 - Men's clothing.)

shalabhiy', shalabhiya n peeler (cf. peel) Lak'wunit shalabhiy' nim xoch'ooyow. My peeler fell on the ground. Tan'eta' na' nim shalabhiya. I took my peeler.

tawaanish, tawaanisha n morning star Al'alkan' tawaanish. The morning star twinkles. Ka'yu' 'oshto' tawaanisha. Coyote stole morning star.

'ontip, 'ontipa n mother-in-law Xata'an' min 'ontipa maamila. Your mother-in-law is eating blueberries. Dihe' na' 'am 'ontipa. I will follow her mother-in-law.

na'way', na'wayi n nephew Na'wayi na' tan'et wakayaw. I took my nephew to the river.

toyun, toy'no n night time Huju'nun' nan toyun. Nighttime scares me. Ohom' da' hoyoch'an' toy'no. I don't like nighttime.

toy'now n night, in the Ta'ishta' na' toy'now. I saw her at night. P'ayee'i gewew'an' toy'now. The child will lie down tonight.