Search results for "du'"

k'osoy', k'osoyi n mouse Ama' gadya' k'osoy' xon' xoch'ooyow. That hungry mouse lives in the ground. Gaadu' yawaalit k'osoyi 'am shoyxow. The cat chased the mouse into its hole.

'oyut, 'oyto' v move Oyut 'aman xo'ow dullaw. They moved to the house in the mountain. Oyto' 'alit Pelesnow. He moved to Fresno a while ago.

mik'ish, mik'shi n neck K'uyuk'axon' 'am mik'ish. His neck is itchy. Xishiwta' gaadu' nim mik'shi. The cat scratched my neck.

gachab, gachaaba n niece (cf. daughter) Tanmixhil gachab nim 'am boch'oono lagyiw. My daughter took her son with her. Wanta' 'am gachaaba gaadu'un. She gave her daughter a cat.

bo'ush n meat Ch'ik'ne' mi'in bo'ush. The meat is going to rot soon. Kewshit na' bo'sha. I boiled the meat. (sem. domains: 6.3.7 - Animal products, - Food from animals, - Cattle, 2.1.7 - Flesh, - Carnivore, 5.2.3 - Types of food, - Meat, 1.6.1 - Types of animals, - Cooking utensil, - Prepared food, 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.)

ch'eemit, ch'emta' v milk (cow, goat) Ch'eemit na' ganaadu'un. I milked the cow. Ch'emta' jiiwu'un manaw. I milked the goat outside. (sem. domains: 6.3.7 - Animal products, - Growing coconuts, - Beverage, - Cattle, - Care for a baby, - Milk products, 6.3.3 - Milk.)

chapla', chapla'an n leather Woshok' nim chapla'. My belt is (made of) leather. (sem. domains: 6.3.7 - Animal products, - Working with leather, 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.)

banaanat, banaanata' v lie down Banaanat cheexa' nim gaamaw. The dog lied down on my bed. Banaanata' gaadu' nim jageedaw. The cat lied down on my jacket.

yebeech'il, yebeech'ila n lip Dugmat 'am yibeech'il. His lips are bruised up.

dip, dipa n liver Xayathanta' dip bilaasuw. The liver was put on the plate. Ta'ishhil na' ganaadu'un dipa. I saw the cow's liver.