Search results for "an'"

noonip, noonipa n nine Hewetta' noonip noono' peeliw. Nine men walked on the street. Kishaalan' na' noonipa hoona. I will fry nine eggs.

ch'itil, ch'itla n manzanita cider Bech'eech'an' ch'itil. The manzanita cider will become cold. Ugunta' ta noono' galjina ch'itla. The man drank a lot of manzanita cider. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)

'axam' adv maybe Ohom' 'axam' mi'in she'eele'. Maybe it's not going to rain soon. Ha' 'uk hatam'an', ch'enbay' 'axam'. Something is singing, maybe it's a bird. (sem. domains: - Possible, - Maybe.)

wolom', woloomi n meadow T'ulun'an' wolom'. The meadow is burning. Ta'shit na' woloomi. I saw the meadow.

somo'hiy', somo'hiya n lid, cover (Lit: something to cover with) Xap'eelan' mi'in somo'hiy'. The lid will be hot soon. Hala'leg somo'hiya! Lift the lid!

weela', weela'an n light Weela' meejin'an' 'al'alk'axon'. The light is bright. Weela'an p'ishga! Turn on the light!

honcho', honcho'on n lizard (big one) Holosh'an' honcho' sheleelaw. The big lizard is sitting on the rock. Potit 'ama' taa honcho'on. He caught that lizard.

jelet₂ n lunch Gayiina'an na' xata'an' jeletaw. I ate chicken at lunch (time). (sem. domains: - Prepared food, - Crazy.)

hishit, hishta'₁ v hide something Hishit nim boch'on gusal'. My son hid a spoon. Hisha'an' noono' 'am k'eexa'an. The man is hiding his money.

sopopo', sopopo'on n horned toad Holosh'an' sopopo' sheleelaw. The horned toad is sitting on the rock. Ta'ishta' na' sopopo'on. I saw the horn-toad.