Search results for "an'"

balk'it, balik'ta' v full (to become full and cannot eat anymore), 2 Balk'it na'. I was full and can't eat anymore. Balik'ta' 'aman. They were full and couldn't eat anymore.

'aljana' n funny (to be one) Lihim'an' 'aljana' p'ay'. The funny child is running. Ta'ishta' na' p'aya 'aljana'an. I saw the funny child.

'aljana', 'aljana'an n funny (to be one) Lihim'an' 'aljana' p'ay'. The funny child is running. Ta'ishta' na' p'aaya 'aljana'an. I saw the funny child.

mokeet'a', mokeet'a'an n girl Shipa'an' taa mokeet'a' shipa'hiyan. The girl is writing with a pencil. Ta'ishta' na' mokeet'a'an. I saw the girl.

shabakyit, shabakiyta' v give up (= cannot quite do something) Ama' p'ay' shabakyit balaashich'. That baby can't quite crawl. Mugshay' 'am shabakiyta' heweetich'. Her grandma couldn't quite walk.

ch'uyu' adv even though (cf. anyway) Ohom' may' huda'an' hawitmi hoyil', ch'uyu' da' t'ulhanta. We don't know how he was alive, even though he was burned. Shawigta' galjina ha'ehhi, ch'uyu' da' 'ohom' na'ash ch'awaalal. He bought a lot of clothes, even though he couldn't pay for them.

shokow'hiy', shokow'hiya n fan Mich gayis nim shokow'hiy'. My fan is very good. Xayan' shokow'hiya 'ooch'iy' windara'an. She puts the fan near the window.

woy'ech', woy'eech'i n farmer Hulush'an' woy'ich' gullaliw. The farmer is sitting on the fence. Dihta' 'aman woy'eech'i. They followed the farmer.

heexa', heexa'an₁ adj fat Hisha'an' kayaxit heexa' dik'in sheleela. The fat salmon is hiding behind the rock. Potto' heexa'an kayaxit. He caught a fat salmon.

'iykas n fig Hishe' 'iykas mi'in. The figs are getting ripe soon. Xata'an' 'aman 'iykasi. They are eating figs. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from fruit.)