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sasyinit, sasyinta' v break Sasyinit weewil'. The branch just broke. Sasyinta' saluuja' 'alit. The saw broke some time ago.

wa'lit, wa'ilta' v breakfast (to eat) Wa'lit naa'an. We all ate breakfast. Wa'ilta' na' taw xata'hiyew. I ate breakfast in that restaurant.

'axlit, 'axilta' v breathe hard Axlit na'. I'm breathing hard.

hadamhiy', hadamhiya n bridge Mich wa'at' hi' hadamhiy'. This bridge is very long. Di'she' 'aman hadamhiya sipin' wakaya. They will build the bridge over the river.

panaamixit, panaamixta' v bring Panaamixit taa mokeela' 'am lowto. That woman brought along her husband. Panaamixta' 'am boch'oona denderow. He brought his son to the store.

'adet, 'adeta' v bring Adet na' bayna. I brought the acorn.

nibich'; nebech' n brother (older) (sem. domains: - Young, - Brother, sister.)

nebech', nebeech'i n brother (older) Ohom' da' hew nebech' nim xon'. My older brother does not live here. Yooyon' galjil' 'am nebeech'i. He calls his older brother many times.

ne'esh, ne'esha n brother (younger) 'Aleejat min ne'esh. Your little brother is acting crazy. Panaamixta na' nim ne'esha leele'hiyaw. I brought my younger brother to school.

'enbay', 'enbayi n brother-in-law, sister-in-law Gichgichit min 'enbay'. Your brother-in-law is nervous. 'Ulmuk'yat na' nim 'enbayi. I dislike my brother-in-law.