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gaama', gaama'an n bed Mich k'oti' nim gaama'. My bed is very big. Xayan' na' mi'in nim gaama'an hida'new wo'oyhuyaw. I'm going to move my bed in a different bedroom. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down, - Road, - Railroad, - Bed, 5.7.1 - Go to sleep, 5.7 - Sleep.)

wo'oyhuy', wo'oyhuya n bedroom Mich k'oti' 'am wo'oyhuy'. Her bedroom is very big. Ch'enishhil 'am wo'oyhuya. She swept her bedroom.

bawnay', bawnayi n bee, yellow-jacket Bawnay' diyal mam na'ash. The yellow-jacket bee might sting you. Ch'ewex'an' 'ama' bawnayi. He is stepping on the yellow-jacket bee.

nogmut, noogumta' v believe Nogmut na' 'am. I believed him. Ohom' wat noogumta' 'amaamig. No one believed them.

gambaana', gambaana'an n bell Gambaana' lulhanit sipin' miisa'hiyaw. The bell is hung on top of the church. Taa p'ay' nich'it gambaana'an. That child pressed the bell.

ch'utkush, ch'utkusha n belly button (sem. domains: - Dive, 5.3.6 - Parts of clothing, - Fat person, 6.7.5 - Fastening tool, 2.1.2 - Torso, 1.5.4 - Moss, fungus, algae, 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.)

woshok', woshook'o n belt Hi' woshok' mich dindinich'. This belt is very thick. Hech'eyta' na' woshook'o. I tightened the belt.

p'itlit, p'itilta' v bend over P'itlit 'ama' maaxach' bilaasu'un. He's bending over to pick up a plate. P'itilta' yo' hujta' habilk'ay' noh'o'. The grizzly bear bent over and growled.

k'oti', k'oti'in adj big Hewethil denderow taa k'oti' noono' hoy'li. That big man walked quickly to the store. Ta'ishta' na' k'oti'in balbalya. I saw the big pounding rock.

k'oteehat, k'oteehata' v big (to become) K'oteehat shidgilin naaway'. The squirrel's cheek got bigger. K'oteehata' wakay'. The river got bigger.