sasyit, sasiyta' v break Sasyit wech'eeta teeliyin 'am. He broke the stick with his teeth. Sasiyta' 'am p'onoosha. He broke his hand.
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gaabinit, gaabinta' v accept Gaabinit na' baana'an. I accepted the bread. Gaabinta' 'aman 'ilk'a. They accepted water.
taxeetat, taxeetata' v ache Teeliy' nim taxeetat. My tooth is aching. Taxeetata' 'am k'ewet. Her back ached.
gashgashit, gashgashta' v ache (to have one, on the leg) Taxish nim gashgashit. My calf is aching. Taxish nim gashgashta'. My calf ached.
'umlunut, 'umlunta' v ache, stomach (to have one) 'Umlunut 'am nopop. His father had a stomach ache. 'Umlunta' na' 'alit. I had a stomach ache some time ago.
bayin', bayna n acorn (generic) Bagnit 'ilk'aw bayin'. The acorn soaked in the water. Ewinta' na' bayna. I sifted the acorn.
budush, budusha n acorn (of black oak) Papyit xoch'ooyow budush. Black oak acorns scattered on the ground. Poyit na' budusha. I ground the black oak acorn.
won', wooni n acorn dumpling, bread Shit'eeyat won'. The acorn bread tasted good. Di'shit mokeela' wooni. The woman made acorn bread.
limin', limna n acorn mush, meal Limin' weelehanta'. The acorn mush was stirred. Di'ishta' 'ama' yunk'u limna. She made warm acorn mush.
'uduulan, 'uduulana n acorn soup Shit'eeyat 'uduulan. The acorn soup tasted good. 'Uduulana na' di'shit. I made acorn soup.