hayaalataw n summer Eepe' na' hayaalataw. I swim in the summer. (sem. domains: 1.1.3 - Weather.)
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Dominkanaw n Sunday Miisan' wil' Dominkanaw. He used to go to church on Sundays. (sem. domains: - Days of the week.)
gu'guunat v tap (cf. knock)
ch'eywil' adv ten times Poyto' sheleela ch'eywil'. He pounded the rock ten times. Ch'eywil' na' oy'eta' nim ha'ehhi. I changed my clothes ten times.
taa det that Taa 'ama' 'utu'. That over there is a tree.
'amaagin ProN their (dual) P'ay' 'amaagin mich kande'ich'. Their child is a real candy-eater.
'amaamin ProN their (plural) Xo' 'amaamin 'ooch'iy' naanin xo'. Their house is close to ours. Yashne' na' ta'an 'amaamin hatma. I wish for their singing.
mi'in₂ adv then Nancy hewetta' mi'in yalikta'. Nancy walked, then she stopped.
'ama'₄ then