nonp'il'₁ adj ninth (sem. domains: - Fraction, - Ordinal numbers.)
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jelet₅ n noon (cf. midnight)
Nootu adv North
'ohom' adv not Ohom' da' mokeela' hewetta' goosinmi. The woman did not walk slowly. Ohom' 'ama' ch'enbay' ta'shit 'am. The bird did not see it.
galjil' adv many times Pothil na' 'ap'ooma galjil'. I caught the ball many times. Maaxit na' galjil'. I got it many times.
na'ash₁ adv may, might (cf. can) Aman na'ash gobol taxaati'in. They may gather sourberries. Nahni' na'ash mokeela' widnal. The woman might fall.
nahni'₁ adv maybe Nahni' na'ash na' k'eshnal xo'ow. Maybe I could go inside the house. Nahni' na' na'ash gosneenol gayiina'an. I could cook the chicken.
nan ProN me Nancy' di'ishshitta' nan t'eewish. Nancy made a basket for me.