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ch'ibnit, ch'ibinta' v skinny (to be) Mich 'ama' cheexa' ch'ibnit. The dog was very skinny. Ch'ibinta' taa p'ay' 'alit. That child was skinny a while back

sox, sooxi n skunk Sox mich k'ahi'. The skunk stinks a lot. Ta'shit na' sooxi. I saw the skunk.

wa'la', wa'la'an n sky Wa'la' mejnit ch'iwuk'yat. The sky is very blue/green. Ta'shi'xon' na' wa'la'an. I'm looking at the sky.

t'apeelit, t'apelta' v slap T'apeelit gawaayu'un. He just slapped the horse. Taa p'ay' t'apelta' 'am namxa. That child slapped his friend.

wu'yut, wo'oyta' v sleep Wu'yut p'ay'. The child fell asleep. Cheexa' wo'oyan deyaw xo'ow. The dog is sleeping in front of the house. (sem. domains: 5.7.3 - Wake up, 2.3.5 - Sense of touch, - Bed, 5.7.1 - Go to sleep, - Worried, - Eye, 5.7 - Sleep.)

ne'jat, ne'jata' v sleepy (to become) Ne'jat na'. I'm getting sleepy. Ne'jata' 'ama' huushem. He got sleepy while driving.

lat'aynit, lat'ayinta' v slide down Lat'aynit na' dullaw. I slid down the hill. Lat'ayinta' 'aman sheleelaw ch'apyiw. They slid down on the wet rock.

lalwinit, lalwinta' v slip and fall down Lalwinta' na' xoch'oyo. I slipped and fell down on the dirt (last week).

lat'ay', lat'ya adj slippery Pel' dullaw mich' lat'ay'. The road on the mountain is very slippery. Yugshut lat'ya peeli. He cleaned the slippery road.

goosinayich', goosinaych'i n slow (a slow one) Jagach' mich goosinayich'. Donkeys are slow. (sem. domains: - Change something, - Stupid, - Decrease, - Speak poorly, - Slow, - Calm, rough, - Move slowly.)