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hujnut, hujunta' v scared (Other meanings: get frightened, get startled) Hujnut p'ayee'i. The children are scared. Hujunta' na'. I got scared.

papyit, papiyta' v scatter Papyit haliina' lameesaw. The flour scattered on the table. Papiyta' simiiya' xoch'ooyow. The seeds scattered on the ground.

leele'hiy', leele'hiya₁ n school (cf. book) Mich k'oti' leele'hiy'. The school is very big. Di'ishta' 'aman gew leele'hiya. They built a school there.

dehel', deheela n scissors Chishe' na' mi'in bobbila deheelan. I will cut the paper with scissors. (sem. domains: 6.6.1 - Working with cloth, - Cut hair, 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.)

bohiyit, bohiyta' v scold Bohiyit 'amak' p'aya. They two scolded the child. Bohiyta' taa mokeela' 'am boch'oona. That woman scolded her son. (sem. domains: - Rebuke.)

k'olit, k'olta' v scoop K'olit shukshuya waldinaw. She scooped the sand into the bucket. K'olta' bayna sheleelaw. He scooped acorn from the rock.

ch'a'yit, ch'a'iyta' v scoop Ch'a'yit na' ilk'a. I scooped some water. (sem. domains: 7.8.6 - Dig, - Big container, volume.)

shank'it, shanik'ta' v scorch something Shank'it 'ama' bo'sha. He scorched the meat. Shanik'ta' na keek'a. I scorched the cake.

xepit, xepta' v scrape Xepit Matt taxaati'in wech'eeta. Matt is scraping the sourberry stick. Xepta' hedeesha 'aman. They scraped the wood.