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deebet, deebeta' v pay on credit Deebet na' nim xataashi. I paid my food on credit.

biichis, biichisa n peach Hishe' mi'in biichis. The peaches are getting ripe soon. Xatit 'aman galjina biichisa. They ate a lot of peaches. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Food from fruit.)

pumpumut, pumpumto' v peck Pumpumut gayiina' gaadu'un. The chicken pecked the cat. Pumpumto' ch'enbay' shidgila. The bird pecked the squirrel.

k'ukk'uknat, k'ukk'uknata' v peck K'ukk'uknat ch'enbay' 'ooch'iy' 'utu'un. The bird is pecking near the tree. K'ukk'uknata' gayiina' gullaliw. The chicken pecked on the fence.

wek'k'it, wek'ik'ta' v peek out (cf. check out) Wek'k'it shidgil. The squirrel peeked out. Wek'ik'ta' saamil'. The gopher peeked out.

shalbit, shalibta' v peel (for potatoes, carrots, etc.) Shalbit na' baabasi. I peeled the potatoes. Shalibta' 'aman k'ayaashi. They peeled the carrots.

ch'oolut, ch'olto' v peel, 1 (for fruits: oranges, bananas, grapefruits, etc.) Ch'oolut na' k'emeexi'in. I peeled (the skin off of) the white oak acorn Ch'olto' na' 'orinji'in. I peeled the orange.

shalabhiy', shalabhiya n peeler (cf. peel) Lak'wunit shalabhiy' nim xoch'ooyow. My peeler fell on the ground. Tan'eta' na' nim shalabhiya. I took my peeler.

shipa'hiy', shipa'hiya n pencil, pen (Lit: something to write with) Hili 'am shipa'hiy'? Where is her pencil? Ipista' 'am shipa'hiya. She threw away her pencil.

yokuch', yokooch'i n people Taane' yokuch' wakayaw. The people are going to the river. Galjina na' yokooch'i ta'ishta'. I saw many people.