galjin, galjina adj many, a lot Elwit galjin 'eelaw'. Many flowers are blooming. Na' na'ash maaxal galjina 'aabula. I can get a lot of apples.
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'apsu', 'apsu'un n manzanita Mich galjin 'apsu' hew. There are many manzanita plants here. Chishta' 'aman 'apsu'un. They cut manzanita plants.
ch'itil, ch'itla n manzanita cider Bech'eech'an' ch'itil. The manzanita cider will become cold. Ugunta' ta noono' galjina ch'itla. The man drank a lot of manzanita cider. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)
ch'amaaxit, ch'amaxta' v mash Ch'amaaxit na' deena'an. I mashed the wild potatoes. Ch'amaxta' k'uyk'u. She mashed the fruits.
miisat, miisata' v mass (to go to) Miisat 'aman Dominkanaw. They went to church on Monday. Miisata' 'alit. He went to church some time ago.
maajis, maajisa n matches Hot'inta' maajis. The matches burned. Puushut na' maajisa. I blew the matches.
wolom', woloomi n meadow T'ulun'an' wolom'. The meadow is burning. Ta'shit na' woloomi. I saw the meadow.
keelat, keelata' v measure Keelat wech'eeta. She measured the stick.
t'oyux, t'oyxo n medicine T'oyux mich bajxal'. The medicine is really bad. (sem. domains: - Traditional medicine, - Medicine, - Doctor, nurse.)
chipne', chipne'en n medicine man 'Ama' chipne' ho'keshishta' naanin. The medicine man prayed for us. Yatta' naa'an chipne'en. We talked to the medicine man.